Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Amazing Race

I am obsessed with the Amazing Race!

The show is fantastic and smart. I love how these twelve teams must race each other around the world with the Amazing producers messing with their minds along the way. One team can be hours ahead of all the others and end up being last by the end of the episode. Now I am relatively new to the Amazing Race fan club, but I truly believe this season is the best ever. This is in due in large part to Boston Rob and Amber.

Who are Boston Rob and Amber you ask? They are former Survivor winners. They Outlasted, Outsmarted and Outwitted some of the swarmiest and sneakiest people on reality television. A great edition to the Amazing Race right? Well that depends on who you ask. From the players' standpoint, Boston Rob and Amber are rude, obnoxious and the team to not only beat, but hate. From the viewers' standpoint, it just makes for great T.V.

Boston Rob and Amber are adding their skills that worked in Survivor to the Amazing Race and they are doing a great job. They bribe everyone, omit (stretch) the truth and have just plain good luck. (Boston Rob can be charming when he needs something) In every episode so far, they have been fortunate enough to have a native of whatever city, town or country they are in to help them out. Once they even got a police escort! They also have a celebrity advantage. People have recognized them and offered to help them out!

Not a fan? I strongly suggest you check out at least one episode. (CBS 8/9 central) Even if you don't like the show, the glimpses of the many countries they visit are worth the hour. Conflicts with another show? Check out SnarkWife at TVTome, she'll give you the recap and provide great entertainment!

Already a fan? Check out this fantastic episode review from SnarkWife. She is hilarious and I wait every week for her post almost as anxiously as I wait for the actual show! :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Just A Little Something To Think About

I don't have much to say today (Okay we all know that's a lie, I have a lot to say I just don't have time to say it.) so I am just going to make a brief comment.

The topic on everybody's mind these days is the Schiavo case. I just have two words... living will. This entire thing would be a moot point if Terri Schiavo had a living will.

Now I know there are so many issues involved in this, I simply don't have the time to jump up on my soap box right now. Instead, I will leave you with the following. A living will is the ONLY way to guarantee that if you end up unable to covey your wishes, what you want is what's being done. There would be no argument between spouse and children or spouse and parents; your decision would be final. Grief does weird things to people and you may tell someone what you want and they may even agree, but when the time comes they may not be able to follow through with it.

I just wanted to leave you with something to think about, not depress us all. So I'll wish everyone a great day and start paying attention to my committee meeting! :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

My New Headshot!

My new headshot! Posted by Hello

Hey! Check it out, doesn't my hair look fantastic! :)

Monday, March 21, 2005


I am permanently attached to my laptop; I carry it with me everywhere I go. Often, I am in the cafeteria at lunch and I find myself just randomly browsing the internet. During one of my sessions, I discovered the world of ebooks.

Ebooks are books that are published and instead of being printed on paper, are created in a PDF file. Now I am fully aware that these books are not exactly new, but for me they are. I have always been of the opinion that you need to physically hold the book, and this hasn't completely changed. I still feel the need to buy my much loved hardcovers. However, for the sake of convenience, I am loving these ebooks.

I can get an ebook for the price of a paperback, download it on my computer, not have to carry one more thing around with me during the day and save space on my paperback bookshelf for those I just have to have in hardcopy. It's great!

So to spread my joy with ebooks, here are a few great sites to check out! (you don't want to read these ones a work! :) )

Saturday, March 19, 2005


All I have to say today is GO WOLFPACK!!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Property Tax Relief

Everybody needs to CALM DOWN!

Last session the hot topic was taxes; this session it's only one tax, the property tax. The issue is that property taxes in Nevada have sky rocketed. This is the result of booming real estate market. In 2004, homeowners paid up to 30% more in property taxes then they did in 2003. The need for relief is immediate and real.

That's where the legislature comes in. Nevada lawmakers have until the end of March to pass legislation that will give the much needed relief. However, there are a few obstacles in the way.

First, prior to the beginning of this session, legislators were in a special session to cover the impeachment of the State Controller. This put tremendous stress on the legislative counsel bureau and delayed their ability to get a good jump start on bill drafting. Which in turn has caused us to only have approximately 350 bills out instead of 500-600. There are currently about 1300 bill draft requests in LCB and the deadline for ALL of them to be introduced is Monday. (Yes, this means I will be a very busy girl on Monday. YEAH!)

Second, because of this slow down, LCB has had to issue the order "bills or property tax?" This means that LCB needs the legislators to stop asking for research on property taxes so that the bills can make their Monday deadline. So until Monday, research on the several different tax proposals will have to wait until after the deadline. Property tax relief is the hot button this session, but the are many other things that are also very important and need to have the lawmaker's attention.

Third, there is a clause in the existing law that makes it very difficult to come up with an immediate solution. This clause says that any tax structure MUST be uniform and equal across the state. Nevada is a very big state that has counties on both sides of the spectrum. We have counties that are very poor and counties like Clark that have seen lots of growth. Something that may help Clark County can be detrimental to the rurals and something that will help the rurals won't be enough for Clark County. It is a very difficult task to handle.

Fourth, I think we often forget that coming up with a solution is not our job, it is the job of these lawmakers. They are quickly becoming experts on this situation; they are in the bi-weekly meetings, they are inundated with emails and they are on the firing squad. The legislature is aware we have an issues and I promise they are working on it. In the mean time, leave them alone and let them do their jobs! Threatening them with a prop 13 will not get the job done any faster, it only makes things more difficult. Our lawmakers do not want to see a prop 13; this can have detrimental, long term affects on our state. Instead they want to find a solution that will help all counties both in the short and long terms.

My suggestion is for everyone to stop, take a deep breath and do your research before you act. There are tax meetings all around the state that you can attend and a fantastic Nevada Legislature website where you can watch the committee meetings live. Listen to all the suggestions before you make a decision, then hold on to it and don't let anyone else tell you what to believe. (Even me!)

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Here are just a few jokes for you to enjoy!

McCarthy walked into a bar and ordered martini after martini, each time removing the olives and placing them in a jar. When the jar was filled with olives and all the drinks consumed, he started to leave. "Excuse me," said a customer, who was puzzled over what McCarthy had done. "What was that all about?" "Nothing," he replied, "my wife just sent me out for a jar of olives."

On Saint Patrick's Day, an Irishman who had a little to much to drink was driving home from the city and his car was weaving violently all over the road. A cop pulled him over."So," said the cop to the driver, "Where have you been?""Why, I've been to the pub of course," slurs the drunk."Well," says the cop, "it looks like you've had quite a few to drink this evening.""I did all right," the drunk says with a smile."Did you know," says the cop, standing straight and folding his arms across his chest, "that a few intersections back, your wife fell out of your car?""Oh, thank heavens," sighs the drunk. "For a minute there, I thought I'd gone deaf."

Q: Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day?
A: Regular rocks are too heavy.

Q: Why can't you borrow money from a leprechaun?
A: Because they're always a little short.

Q: Why do leprechauns have pots o'gold?
A: They like to "go" first class!

Q: How can you tell if an Irishman is having a good time?
A: He's Dublin over with laughter!

Q: What's Irish and stays out all night?
A: Patty O'furniture!

Q: How did the Irish Jig get started?
A: Too much to drink and not enough restrooms!

Q: What do you call an Irishman who knows how to control his wife?
A: A bachelor.

Q: What would you get if you crossed Christmas with St. Patrick's Day?
A:St. O'Claus!

Q: Are people jealous of the Irish?
A:Sure, they're green with envy!

Q: What would you get if you crossed Quasimodo with an Irish football player?
A:The Halfback of Notre Dame!

Q: Why did the leprechaun stand on the potato?
A:To keep from falling in the stew!

Q: Do leprechauns make good secretaries?
A:Sure, they're great at shorthand!

Q: How did the leprechaun beat the Irishman to the pot of gold?
A:He took a shortcut!

Q: What do leprechauns love to barbecue?
A:Short ribs!

Q: Why are leprechauns so hard to get along with?
A:Because they're very short-tempered!"I married an Irishman on St. Patrick's Day.""Oh, really?" "No, O'Reilly!"

Knock, knock! Who's there? Don. Don who? Don be puffin' down the Irish now!

Taken from

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

South Beach Diet

So I was watching the news the other morning and I saw a story that caught my attention. A school in Florida is putting their students on the South Beach Diet. Huh?

Now don't get me wrong, I think South Beach is a great diet. I lost twenty pounds on it! However, I really don't believe it is called for in this situation. The school is claiming that since their students' parents haven't done anything to help solve the child obesity problem in this country, that they will take the responsibility upon themselves and put their students on a diet.

I have a few issues with this theory.

First, while thinking of this story, keep in mind that not every student eats a school lunch. Some parents actually pack their lunches for their children. This means that the school cannot legally regulate their meals. It also means that these children can eat whatever they want (cookies, soda, chips, bananas, fruit roll up, etc.) as long as they bring it from home. What a great way to circumvent the new rule; don't like the food now offered at school, bring your junk food from home. Brilliant!

And what about those students who don't brown bag it? One could think that the school to deliberately targeting them. There are a majority of kids who eat school lunches because their parents don't have time to pack their lunches or they are on a school lunch program where they get free or discounted lunches because their parents need the assistance. Is the school saying that this specific group of parents are practicing bad parenting? I remember going to school and most days I bought my lunch, (the chaplupa was my favorite) but there were times when I hated what the school was offering so I brought my own. This meant that the night before, I would have to make my own lunch. (Shock! Horror!) It wasn't because my mother was a bad parent and she didn't care what I ate for lunch, it was because she wanted be to learn to be responsible for all my decisions. To this day I still have to make that decision. If I want to bring my lunch to work, I have to make it the night before. (This is why I eat in the cafeteria)

Second, when I was in school we did in school fundraising. We would sell candy in class to the other students and use the money to fund choir trips. (The easiest fundraiser ever) This made us tons of money. So does this now mean that this kind of fundraising is no longer permitted or are the students allowed to continue as long as they don't sell to other students? Do all future fundraisers have to be South Beach Diet approved? What about Girl Scout cookies? Those certainly aren't SB approved.

Third, when did it become the school's responsibility to put their students on a diet? Is this really a good, long term solution or are we just going for the quick fix? What happens when these students enter high school and all of a sudden no longer have to eat at school? They can simply drive over to the nearest fast food joint and scarf a cheeseburger. Have we really helped them or just prolonged the obesity? If the school was so concerned about the rate obese children in the country, why not require a class on nutrition? Make it part of physical education instead of playing dodgeball or handball for forty minutes a day and teach it every year to build a clear understanding of the basics. Besides, isn't high school the time when good nutrition is most important? In elementary school you have recess, lunch and P.E. were you get to run around and expel all the energy and burn some calories; in Jr. High you have lunch and P.E. It is in high school where P.E. can be waived and is only required for two of the four years and where students have more freedom to decide what they want for lunch. What about these kids? Will the schools have to resort to Gestapo tactics to make sure all their students are eating the right things?

I could go on and on, but I haven't the time right now. I just wanted to make you think and start a few discussions. This is just one step in a very slippery slope. My fundamental problem with this issue that one body of authority is trying to impose their view of good nutrition and proper eating habits on an entire group of people. I just have one final question that even if you don't agree with anything else I have said, you at least think about this. What happened to the freedom of choice and personal responsibility?

Just a little food for thought. :)

Monday, March 14, 2005

I'm Back!

My new computer is here!!!!

Yeah, this means I am now connected to the internet again. I love it! I have been without for so long, I find myself going places on my off time here in Carson City just to be on the internet. I think I would have gone completely crazy throughout this whole ordeal if I didn't at least have my blackberry. It is one of the single greatest inventions.

I know this is a very short post, I promise to begin posting everyday. I just wanted to say I'm back.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Computer Woes

In case you haven't noticed, but I haven't posted lately. This is because my computer has contracted one of those weird, spyware viruses that makes it very slow every time I connect to the internet. Never fear! A new, virus free computer is on the way and will be here in 15 days! So until then, please be patient. I am at the mercy of a public computer in the lobbyist room where we only have two computers to share. In the meantime please visit my mother's blog. She always has fascinating posts.