Wednesday, June 22, 2005
I Am Still Alive!
I have been having major issues with the whole internet thing here in Las Vegas. However, I made the move just fine (Miranda's a stud) and hope to be back shortly. Talk to you later!
Friday, June 10, 2005
Land of the Living
I think I have finally recovered from my marathon workday. I did nothing but sleep and relax on Wednesday, which means that I have had to throw myself into my packing these last two days.
On Thursday, I realized that I had move to pack then I had originally thought. The good news is that as I pack, I am discovering lots of things that I never use and can throw out! Less to pack. This and this alone would be a good reason to move about every 3-5 years. In between my packing, I called to change over my different utilities. (Had a little incident with AT&T to which I will say that I will never be a customer of theirs again.) My little incident with AT&T meant that I had to find another phone company in Vegas, preferably one that will do both my local and long distance. (Streamline the process) I found this in Sprint and want to know the best part? I didn't even have to talk to anyone, I did it all on the internet. How awesome, and convenient, is that?
Today, I sold some of my furniture to a couple of friends from the books store. They, like me, love to read, so they bought almost all my bookshelves from me! I also tackled my kitchen. I have this cabinet above my stove that I can't really reach without a chair (or Bryna) that I finally cleaned out today. You know, for someone who only drinks on very few occasions, I have an awful lot of alcohol. (Of course most of it is unopened, I wonder what that means)
Anyway, Dad and Geneva arrive tomorrow morning, then it'll be moving day! I can't wait!
On Thursday, I realized that I had move to pack then I had originally thought. The good news is that as I pack, I am discovering lots of things that I never use and can throw out! Less to pack. This and this alone would be a good reason to move about every 3-5 years. In between my packing, I called to change over my different utilities. (Had a little incident with AT&T to which I will say that I will never be a customer of theirs again.) My little incident with AT&T meant that I had to find another phone company in Vegas, preferably one that will do both my local and long distance. (Streamline the process) I found this in Sprint and want to know the best part? I didn't even have to talk to anyone, I did it all on the internet. How awesome, and convenient, is that?
Today, I sold some of my furniture to a couple of friends from the books store. They, like me, love to read, so they bought almost all my bookshelves from me! I also tackled my kitchen. I have this cabinet above my stove that I can't really reach without a chair (or Bryna) that I finally cleaned out today. You know, for someone who only drinks on very few occasions, I have an awful lot of alcohol. (Of course most of it is unopened, I wonder what that means)
Anyway, Dad and Geneva arrive tomorrow morning, then it'll be moving day! I can't wait!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
The Morning After
I'm still alive, in case any of you were wondering, although I have yet to get out of bed. My brain is still very fuzzy, but I have noticed some interesting things.
The big 3 Nevada papers are buzzing with the news of the special session and what was on the agenda and I think that once everyone actually has time to sit down and read the bills they passed out, perceptions might change a bit. Things were going so fast there, copies of the bills and time was limited, that I'm sure mistakes were made. We'll have to wait and see what happens over the next biennium.
In the meantime, I have one little bit of legislative trivia left. Each Senator serves a 4 year term, elected during the even years. (Each term has 2 regular sessions in it) The Assembly, on the other hand, is only elected for a 2 year term or 1 regular session.
The big 3 Nevada papers are buzzing with the news of the special session and what was on the agenda and I think that once everyone actually has time to sit down and read the bills they passed out, perceptions might change a bit. Things were going so fast there, copies of the bills and time was limited, that I'm sure mistakes were made. We'll have to wait and see what happens over the next biennium.
In the meantime, I have one little bit of legislative trivia left. Each Senator serves a 4 year term, elected during the even years. (Each term has 2 regular sessions in it) The Assembly, on the other hand, is only elected for a 2 year term or 1 regular session.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I Survived...
my second legislative session and my very first special session.
Now it is time to go to bed; I have been awake for over 31 hours (with a 20 minute catnap around 7am) and I'm exhausted.
Hope you have enjoyed my breakdown of sine die!
Good Night!
Now it is time to go to bed; I have been awake for over 31 hours (with a 20 minute catnap around 7am) and I'm exhausted.
Hope you have enjoyed my breakdown of sine die!
Good Night!
More Games
Well, the fun has begun again. They have 12 bills given to them by the Governor for them to pass by 10am. The 1 minute recesses have begun along with the moving of bills around the agendas. (ie: holding bills hostage)
Ahh...the fun begins again.
Ahh...the fun begins again.
Good Morning!
Well, we've made a Starbucks run and I have had my coffee transfusion. Now let me update you on what happened overnight.
2am, various legislators were playing the blame game; trying lay the blame of the special session on anyone else.
230am, the Governor called for a special session to begin at 3am, June 7th.
4am, the 22nd special session began.
430am, recess until the bills were finished being printed.
6am, the Senate introduces the first 4 bills of the special session. These bills are two Senate appropriations bill, security enhancements for the capitol grounds and the Millennium Scholarship bill.
The bills they absolutely need to pass are the appropriations bill, the Millennium Scholarship and the bill on all-day kindergarten.
Well, that's all for now!
2am, various legislators were playing the blame game; trying lay the blame of the special session on anyone else.
230am, the Governor called for a special session to begin at 3am, June 7th.
4am, the 22nd special session began.
430am, recess until the bills were finished being printed.
6am, the Senate introduces the first 4 bills of the special session. These bills are two Senate appropriations bill, security enhancements for the capitol grounds and the Millennium Scholarship bill.
The bills they absolutely need to pass are the appropriations bill, the Millennium Scholarship and the bill on all-day kindergarten.
Well, that's all for now!
The 22nd Special Session
Well, the special session has begun. (then they recessed because the printer needs to play catch-up).
Just letting you know, we're all still hanging in here.
Just letting you know, we're all still hanging in here.
Legislative Update
It's now 2:30am on June 7.
We are all still here.
We will be going into a special session in a half hour.
Stay tuned.
We are all still here.
We will be going into a special session in a half hour.
Stay tuned.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Now We're Moving
The deadline is a little over three hours away and things are definitely starting to pick up. The Senate has gone into a 30 minute recess while the Assembly works through some of their business. Games are once again being played.
The big issues left to be resolved...
The tax rebate...we want our money back!
Canadian Drug Importation...the lobbyists have agreed to send our stash in the lobbyist room to Canada so they don't run out.
The Kenny C. Guinn millennium Scholarship Fund...a very hot button, no one can agree on anything relating to this fund.
Well, be back soon!
The big issues left to be resolved...
The tax rebate...we want our money back!
Canadian Drug Importation...the lobbyists have agreed to send our stash in the lobbyist room to Canada so they don't run out.
The Kenny C. Guinn millennium Scholarship Fund...a very hot button, no one can agree on anything relating to this fund.
Well, be back soon!
The Fun Has Begun
Things are really fired up now. There are a few "trailer" bills floating around now. These are bills that amend all the bills that have already had hearings and been agreed upon. This makes sure that all the bills conform with each other. In others words, making sure the right hand knows what the left is doing. This can often throw lobbyists into a tailspin because this bill can quickly become a "Christmas tree" bill. (A bill where dead bills are often added into as an amendment)
In other Senate news, Senator Titus just tried to add her senior citizen bill into a tax bill and lost. Her amendment would have given a property tax rebate to Nevada's senior citizens. When it was a bill, it passed out of the Senate with flying colors; however, we are now in the 11th hour and all the money (except the DMV/gas rebate) has been spent. This bill has a HUGE fiscal note and there is no money left in the General Fund. The amendment died, 9-12, right down those party lines.
More news later!
Things are really fired up now. There are a few "trailer" bills floating around now. These are bills that amend all the bills that have already had hearings and been agreed upon. This makes sure that all the bills conform with each other. In others words, making sure the right hand knows what the left is doing. This can often throw lobbyists into a tailspin because this bill can quickly become a "Christmas tree" bill. (A bill where dead bills are often added into as an amendment)
In other Senate news, Senator Titus just tried to add her senior citizen bill into a tax bill and lost. Her amendment would have given a property tax rebate to Nevada's senior citizens. When it was a bill, it passed out of the Senate with flying colors; however, we are now in the 11th hour and all the money (except the DMV/gas rebate) has been spent. This bill has a HUGE fiscal note and there is no money left in the General Fund. The amendment died, 9-12, right down those party lines.
More news later!
Welcome Back
Well, not much has gone on since the last time we spoke. Me, I went back to the office and watched as Mr. Rock clean off his desk (mainly by putting more stuff on mine) and Mr. Canada's. Mr. GAD sat behind his desk and pretended to work. :)
The Legislators also didn't do much. They took a 3 hour break where they cacused, did a few money bills and walked the halls for someone to talk to. (you know a legislator is either a freshman or bored when they walk into the lobbyist room.)
Now we're back in the Assembly, (the senate who was supposed to go back in at 6 is still out) watching as they pass the necessary money bills and take their now infamous 1 minute recesses. All kinds of rumors are going around about what time we'll get out of here; some are speculating we'll sine die as early as 10pm, the rest of us know that we'll be here till the bitter end. There are still some very hot topics issues in play so they have to stay at least until after the 11 o'clock news is over. :)
Well...the Assembly just finished, be back when I get over to the Senate.
The Legislators also didn't do much. They took a 3 hour break where they cacused, did a few money bills and walked the halls for someone to talk to. (you know a legislator is either a freshman or bored when they walk into the lobbyist room.)
Now we're back in the Assembly, (the senate who was supposed to go back in at 6 is still out) watching as they pass the necessary money bills and take their now infamous 1 minute recesses. All kinds of rumors are going around about what time we'll get out of here; some are speculating we'll sine die as early as 10pm, the rest of us know that we'll be here till the bitter end. There are still some very hot topics issues in play so they have to stay at least until after the 11 o'clock news is over. :)
Well...the Assembly just finished, be back when I get over to the Senate.
It's About Honor

This picture is of the North Las Vegas Honor Guard team. (The boys with the longer jackets are from the jail.) Once a year, these guys come up to Carson City for a few days to honor their fallen comrades. If you have never been privileged to experience this event, you've missed out. It is truly awesome. (and I mean that in it's truest form of the word) This year they had a resolution that declared the week Peace Officers' Memorial Week in Nevada.
Hello Again
So things have been busy, yet uneventful. I packed up my desk this morning while watching part of Legally Blonde 2. It's kinda sad that things are over. The early morning floor sessions were somewhat uneventful.
The Senate Legislative Operations committee had a meeting behind the bar and because of the open meeting laws, it is a somewhat public hearing. In other words everyone and their mother gathers around the poor committee members trying to hear what they're saying and hoping they don't hurt their legislation.
I went to lunch with the team. Again, kinda sad. (Mr. GAD is going to miss the rest of us when we leave him.)
Now I'm back in the building, watching the Assembly as they pass bills and take a 1 minute recess (which never actually lasts a minute, more like 20) between every few. The good news is they are passing out those money bills; the bad news is, they are holding contentious bills till late tonight. (In all fairness, the Senate is doing the same)
Before I sign off, I want to leave you with this little bit of observation. The Senate is an extremely organized body. They have an agenda for every floor session that makes it very easy to follow along. The Assembly, on the other hand, not so organized. The pretty much just release a daily file that mentions the bills they might get to, but who knows when; on days where there are multiple floor sessions, by the end of the day, you need a decoder ring to understand it. The Senate rarely has to take a recess while the Assembly takes one what seems like every 5 minutes. The Senate always has all their conference reports, amendments, and bills organized neatly in their proper cubbies for the public's easy access; the Assembly will get them out, you know, whenever.
That's all for now, be back later!
The Senate Legislative Operations committee had a meeting behind the bar and because of the open meeting laws, it is a somewhat public hearing. In other words everyone and their mother gathers around the poor committee members trying to hear what they're saying and hoping they don't hurt their legislation.
I went to lunch with the team. Again, kinda sad. (Mr. GAD is going to miss the rest of us when we leave him.)
Now I'm back in the building, watching the Assembly as they pass bills and take a 1 minute recess (which never actually lasts a minute, more like 20) between every few. The good news is they are passing out those money bills; the bad news is, they are holding contentious bills till late tonight. (In all fairness, the Senate is doing the same)
Before I sign off, I want to leave you with this little bit of observation. The Senate is an extremely organized body. They have an agenda for every floor session that makes it very easy to follow along. The Assembly, on the other hand, not so organized. The pretty much just release a daily file that mentions the bills they might get to, but who knows when; on days where there are multiple floor sessions, by the end of the day, you need a decoder ring to understand it. The Senate rarely has to take a recess while the Assembly takes one what seems like every 5 minutes. The Senate always has all their conference reports, amendments, and bills organized neatly in their proper cubbies for the public's easy access; the Assembly will get them out, you know, whenever.
That's all for now, be back later!
My Favorite Things
Hurry up and wait. This is very common in this building. Meetings are often scheduled stacked on top of each other, with the floor sessions thrown in to make it more fun. This building runs on it's own time, legislative time, (a bit like Hawaii time) and things are very rarely, if ever, on time. However, there is always the possibility that when it's your very important bill and your running behind, you'll be late and the entire thing will be over before you get there. That's why we run around like were late, just to get to the room and wait the half hour for the legislators to show up.
This translates into down time that is spent on the computer, not doing work, but playing computer games. is the best site to find said video games. These three are my favorite games....
- This is a version of solitaire
Text Twist
- The computer gives you six letters and you have to create as many words as you can with these letters. Spell the six letter word to advance to the next level.
Addiction solitaire
- Oh...My...God...So very addicting.
This translates into down time that is spent on the computer, not doing work, but playing computer games. is the best site to find said video games. These three are my favorite games....
- This is a version of solitaire
Text Twist
- The computer gives you six letters and you have to create as many words as you can with these letters. Spell the six letter word to advance to the next level.
Addiction solitaire
- Oh...My...God...So very addicting.
The Last Day
Today is the last day of the legislative session and I really mean the last day, no special session. There is not much left to do today. A few conference committees are going on, conference committees are where bills go when the two houses can't agree on what to do, it's a last ditch effort. Then, of course, the money committees are in trying to finalize the budget.
Since it is the 120th day, I have decided to live blog. This means I am going to come back several times today with pictures and update as the deadline approaches. Check back periodically and experience this day with me!
Be back soon!
Since it is the 120th day, I have decided to live blog. This means I am going to come back several times today with pictures and update as the deadline approaches. Check back periodically and experience this day with me!
Be back soon!
Saturday, June 04, 2005
2 days till the end of the legislative session.
8 days till moving day!
(and working every single one!)
8 days till moving day!
(and working every single one!)
Friday, June 03, 2005
It's Finished!
I can't believe it! My mother's website,, is finally finished, and might I say it looks fabulous!
Let me tell you, this had been quite an interesting experience. I have learned quiet a few things about website development and design that I never would have bothered to find out otherwise and am grateful for. (I have also learned that you really don't want to be project manager when you're working at the Legislature.) It has been a trying process at times, (as my mother can tell you, I'm quite picky) but one that I thoroughly enjoyed and would do again in a heartbeat.
I hope you all take the time today to visit this wonderful site!
Let me tell you, this had been quite an interesting experience. I have learned quiet a few things about website development and design that I never would have bothered to find out otherwise and am grateful for. (I have also learned that you really don't want to be project manager when you're working at the Legislature.) It has been a trying process at times, (as my mother can tell you, I'm quite picky) but one that I thoroughly enjoyed and would do again in a heartbeat.
I hope you all take the time today to visit this wonderful site!
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
What's New
So in case you can't tell, I have lots of time to spend on my computer today. This day is the epitome of "hurry up and wait". This morning, I went to Assembly Ways and Means where I played on my computer, waiting for my 1 bill out of 7 to come up on the agenda. Now I am sitting in the Senate gallery, half listening to debate over an amendment on a bill I care and know nothing about. As a result, I have several posts for today and have made a couple of small changes to my blog.
Check out the side bar. I have added a permanent link to the legislative website and I am in the process of adding Rob, Arnie and Dawn whose early morning banter often inspires my posts. I have also added a new section for some of my favorite blogs. My mom's blog is always witty and fascinating; I always learn something new. The Bloggermann is Keith Obermann from Countdown on MSNBC. This is one of my favorite news shows, but I am never home to watch it anymore. Lastly, one of my favorite authors, Alison Kent, has a link. Her blog is also very informative and if you pay attention you can enter to win free stuff. (Just ask my mom!)
If any of you have blogs you read and would like to pass along, let me know. I'll definitely go check them out!
Check out the side bar. I have added a permanent link to the legislative website and I am in the process of adding Rob, Arnie and Dawn whose early morning banter often inspires my posts. I have also added a new section for some of my favorite blogs. My mom's blog is always witty and fascinating; I always learn something new. The Bloggermann is Keith Obermann from Countdown on MSNBC. This is one of my favorite news shows, but I am never home to watch it anymore. Lastly, one of my favorite authors, Alison Kent, has a link. Her blog is also very informative and if you pay attention you can enter to win free stuff. (Just ask my mom!)
If any of you have blogs you read and would like to pass along, let me know. I'll definitely go check them out!
Diary of a Homeowner
Here's the update!
My house in Reno is still one the market, there have been people to come a look, but so far, no bites. However, the plus side to this is my kitchen is the cleanest it's ever been and for the longest period of time too! (Bryna, you'd be proud! *tear*)
My house in Vegas has been painted and from all accounts it looks Fabulous. I can't wait to see it! My new couch and chair that we got on sale from Pier One has finally come in, now I am just having a hard time hooking up with the delivery guys.
I just can't wait!
My house in Reno is still one the market, there have been people to come a look, but so far, no bites. However, the plus side to this is my kitchen is the cleanest it's ever been and for the longest period of time too! (Bryna, you'd be proud! *tear*)
My house in Vegas has been painted and from all accounts it looks Fabulous. I can't wait to see it! My new couch and chair that we got on sale from Pier One has finally come in, now I am just having a hard time hooking up with the delivery guys.
I just can't wait!
Huston, We Have a Budget....Maybe
For pretty much the entire session, the money committees (Senate Finance and Assembly Ways and Means) have been hearing budgets and bills with fiscal impacts. Now they must get together and come up with a budget that both houses, and the Governor, can agree on. This has been quite a bone of contention lately. Last week, during the joint meeting to resolve budget differences, tempers rose and though the committees did somewhat advance, there were still many budgets, some of them platforms for the upcoming Governor's race, left unresolved.
For the past two nights, the Senate Finance committee and leadership from Assembly Ways and Means have been meeting in closed door sessions to attempt to find a compromise. This group has met late into the night, but the rumor around the building is we have an agreement. A solution by today will give staff enough time for the budget documents to be prepared so that they can be approved by the Legislature as a whole. The two houses must pass a budget by June 6th or a special session would be needed. (Nobody around this building wants a special session.)
So what is the budget? Well, we don't know; nothing has been released yet and committee members have been sworn to secrecy. In other words, we are all waiting with bated breath for a joint committee meeting to finalize the closing of the remaining budgets.
In the meantime, the show must go on.
For the past two nights, the Senate Finance committee and leadership from Assembly Ways and Means have been meeting in closed door sessions to attempt to find a compromise. This group has met late into the night, but the rumor around the building is we have an agreement. A solution by today will give staff enough time for the budget documents to be prepared so that they can be approved by the Legislature as a whole. The two houses must pass a budget by June 6th or a special session would be needed. (Nobody around this building wants a special session.)
So what is the budget? Well, we don't know; nothing has been released yet and committee members have been sworn to secrecy. In other words, we are all waiting with bated breath for a joint committee meeting to finalize the closing of the remaining budgets.
In the meantime, the show must go on.
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