Sunday, January 08, 2006

Christmas Trivia Answers

Thank you to those who turned in answers, some of them were quite funny and inventive. The winner is....Grandma Joan! This means that $100 donation will be going to Saint Jude's in her name.

1.) In the Chipmunks song what does Alvin want for Christmas?
- Alvin wants a Hula Hoop
2.) Who got run over by a reindeer? (Bonus what happened to their gifts)
- Grandma; Took them back
3.) Name the 12 gifts from the "true love" in the "Twelve Days of Christmas". (Bonus if you can tell me who the "true love" was and what the gifts represented)
- 1. The partridge in a pear tree is Jesus.2. The two turtledoves are the Old and New Testaments.3. Three French hens stand for faith, hope and love.4. The four calling birds are the four Gospels.5. The five gold rings recall the Hebrew Torah (Law), or the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament.6. The six geese a-laying stand for the six days of creation.7. The seven swans a-swimming represent the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.8. The eight maids a-milking are the eight Beatitudes.9. Nine ladies dancing are the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit.10. The ten lords a-leaping are the Ten Commandments.11. Eleven pipers piping represent the eleven faithful Apostles.12. Twelve drummers drumming symbolize the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostles Creed. The true love is God.
4.) Name Santa's reindeer.
- Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph
5.) Why does the audience stand whenever the "Hallelujah Chorus" is sung?
- It is said that King George II was so moved by Handel's work that he felt compelled to stand during the chorus. Since formailty states that when royality stands, everyone else does, the tradition was created.
6.) What plant is used to ward off evil spirits?
- Mistletoe
7.) Name one of the three other names Charles Dickens thought of before he decided on Tiny Tim. (Bonus if you can name all three)
- Small Sam, Little Larry, Puny Pete
8.) In Ukrainian tradition, a spider web found on Christmas morning symbolizes what?
- Good Luck
9.) Which was the first state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday? (Bonus if you know the year)
- Alabama, 1836
10.) The fun of eating Christmas pudding is finding a trinket that will predict your fortune for the upcoming year. What to the following items represent
- The Ring - Marry in the next year
- The Coin - Wealth
- The Button - Remain single for the next year (male)
- The Thimble - Remain single for the next year (female)

How did you do?

Watch for a new year trivia coming soon.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Jessica, and I'm sure St. Jude thanks you too...that's a wonderful thing to do....bring on the next trivia......

Anonymous said...

That's impressive