Thursday, May 12, 2005

Oh Canada!

Today is Drug Importation day at the Nevada Legislature so things are a buzzin'

This means I don't have time to post much, so I am just going to leave you with a question and allow you to discuss among yourselves.

Do you think that Nevada should encourage Nevadans to purchase their pharmaceuticals from Canadian pharmacies? (Why or Why not)

Now Discuss....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think the main reason americans (not just nevadans) are buying drugs from Canada is plain and simple money. Our drug costs have skyrocketed for two reasons, first is that they now advertise. The companies have to pay for all those annoying ercitle disfuction, and acid reflux commercials. I think that drug ads make up at least 25% of the commercials I see on TV. Secondly is they get sued constantly. Can we say phen phen. The country is so over medicated and everyone is looking for a miracle pill that will make everything better. That the companies rush to get the next new thing on the market and skip some important testing steps.
