Thursday, November 20, 2008

"And that's where we're going... right back to the beginning. Not the bang... not the word. The true beginning...

"The next few months are going to be quite a ride. And I think we're all going to learn something about ourselves in the process." - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

It's been awhile since I've posted anything on this particular blog. I've been blogging over here and here and let this site become less of a priority.

I choose today's quote for two reasons. First because I am coming back to the beginning, to my first blog. There's some pretty interesting stuff in here I forgot about and lots of antidotes from life in the Nevada Legislature. Feel free to look around. Second, because I have been reading Shift. (Three times before Thanksgiving) Right now, in this market, it's all about doing the things that matter most, going back to the beginning.

Dana did a class earlier this week that was on how to Focus Like a SEAL. Hands down, it was the best class I have attended in a while. The information wasn't new, something just clicked. My biggest aha was when they said to focus on the small victories...step by step. Focus on this phone call, this appointment, this task. That to me was HUGE. I get so tied up in everything that has to be done for the day that I don't focus on anything and nothing gets done. What I also got out of the class was to not only set your intentions for the day, but at the end of the day, do a debrief. Hold yourself accountable for what you did or didn't do that day.

Everyday has new beginnings...what will be yours today?

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