Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Rob, Arnie, and Dawn

I have about an hour commute every morning.

It's really not a bad drive, once I get out of the city the traffic flows pretty well. It can however, be mind numbing at six in the morning. I have found the best thing to get me going in the mornings are Rob, Arnie, and Dawn.

Who are these people you ask?

They are the DJs on the morning talk radio show Rob, Arnie, and Dawn and they are hilarious. Rob is the snob who thinks he knows everything and isn't afraid to let people know that he is right and they are wrong. Arnie is a pig. He thinks women are only good for two things and should only speak when spoken to. (and never of course about sports, The Simpsons, etc.) Dawn is the estrogen of the group. She goes out of her way to be politically correct, is obsessed with her weight and health food, and has the most annoying laugh. The combination is strangely attractive.

I have been listening to their show for about four years now and I am obsessed. They will talk about anything from the trivial to international news. They make me laugh, groan, and cry, but most importantly I am never bored with the three of them in my car.

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