Friday, February 11, 2005


I am obsessed with T.V. I watch the Today Show or American Morning in the morning, (it depends on what time I have to be up) prime time, and of course The Daily Show to fall asleep. I have a very definite routine.

I hate it when I have to miss them, but work and life often interferes and I miss an episode. :( Now with most of my shows it's not a life tragedy if I miss an episode; however, there are some (Alias, The West Wing) where every episode is important to the story line.

Some of my favorite shows share the same time slot and the networks make me choose which show I am more desperate to watch. It used to be that you could just watch one show during the regular season and then switch to the other during the summer repeats. This plan doesn't work anymore because the networks now air separate shows just for the summer.

Now, thanks to the good producers of all those DVD's, all I have to do is go to Borders and I can play catch up. It's great! But that's not all. The absolute best part about T.V. on DVD is that I can watch my favorite shows that have been discontinued whenever I want. Shows like Firefly, Dark Angel, and Sports Night that are fabulous, but discontinued before they were really given a chance to reach their full potential.

What can I say, I love my T.V. on DVD!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Deleted that by mistake.
What I said was:
Joss Whedon is the best! For those who may not know him, he wrote the short lived Firefly and a little show called Buffy the Vampire Slayer :-)
Jessy's Mom

Jessica said...

J. J. Abrams and Aaron Sorkin a right up there with him!