Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Okay I promised you the answers to my little quiz last Thursday, well here they are! (just a little late)

Who is second in the line of succession for the Governor's office? (Name is fine, but title is better)
( MR. GAD answers Speaker Perkins)
- Sen. Amodei or President Pro Tempore of the Senate

How does one become the Secretary of the Senate or the Chief Clerk of the Assembly?
(MR. GAD answers they are appointed)
- Claire and Nancy were elected into their positions by their respective bodies.

What has to happen in order to amend the Nevada Constitution? (There are multiple correct answers!)
(MR. GAD - it either has to go to a vote of the people twice and the Legislature once, or the Legislature twice and a vote once.)
- MR. GAD is correct! Just to add, each time it's voted on it must stay in the exact same format.

What does it mean to place a bill on the Secretary's desk?
(MR. GAD says it's dead (chuckles))
- Placing a bill on the Secretary's desk means that the bill is put on hold, it can't move until it's taken off. There can be any number of reasons to put a bill on the Secretary's desk; to get answers to questions, to add an amendment or as MR. GAD said, to kill it.

How often does the legislature meet (does not include special sessions or interim) and for how long do they meet?
(MR. GAD - Every two years for 120 days. BINGO!)
- Once again MR. GAD is correct!

If the President of the Senate and the President Pro Tempore are both absent, who presides over the Senate? (Again, either the name or the title will work.)
(MR. GAD - I would guess the Majority leader)
- Nope, sorry. It is in fact the Chairman of the Legislative Operations committee who this session is Sen. Cegavske

Which senate district(s) have multiple Senators?
(MR. GAD - Titus and Care and Heck and Tiffany)
- WooHoo, MR. GAD is on a roll! Sens Titus and Care share a district and so do Sens Heck and Tiffany)

Who has the majority in the Assembly?
(MR. GAD - Ricky? (Chuckles) Democrats)
- Yes, it's the Democrats

What two sport events are legislative traditions?
(MR. GAD - Softball and Basketball)
- Yes, every year the members of the Legislature put on two sports events. The basketball game is played the Republicans versus the Democrats and the softball game is played the Senate versus the Assembly.

Who's portrait overlooks the Assembly and why?
(MR. GAD while looking directly at said painting - Lincoln because Nevada was made a state during his term)
- Correct! This was an easy question because the answer was right here

Where is the legislature located and why?
(MR. GAD - In Carson City, the Capitol!)
- Right answer! (Though many of us would like to see it moved to Vegas where it doesn't snow in April!)


Jessica said...

So How did you do?

Anonymous said...

Did I win?

Anonymous said...

Mr GAD is not eligible right? He has insider information *lol*

Jessica said...

LOL! You were the only one who posted, so you won by default. Thanks for playing!

Jessica said...

And no MR. GAD is not eligible, but not because he has any insider information, but because he failed to get his answers in on time. If you noticed he did get a few wrong. However, he would like me to say that if I asked him again, he'd get them all right this time! :)