Friday, May 13, 2005

Money, Money, Money, Money...Money

We are fast approaching yet another deadline. With so few days left, things are getting exciting and legislators are fighting to get their ideas heard. Before the session began, Nevadans were told by the Governor that we would be getting a rebate (from $0 to $300) on their vehicle registration. However, the Senator Titus and the Assembly Democrats dislike this idea (probably because they are running for Governor) and have come up with a plan themselves.

Check this link out and let me know what you think!


Anonymous said...

I want my money back!

Anonymous said...

I think the car registration rebate is the way to go.....not too complicated....just give us back our money....

Anonymous said...

Why don't they use the excess taxes to give the Nevada Highway Patrol more money! Hire more Troopers and pay them what they deserve.

Jessica said...

Ok to answer G-ma; that's the Governor's plan. The problem with that is that not everybody will get the same amount and you'd have to pay taxes on it to the IRS. With the Buckley/Perkins plan, you wouldn't have to pay taxes, everyone would receive the same amount of money and it hits more people since it's based on DMV cards

Jessica said...

To answer Uncle Sheddy; the NHP is going to be getting more money once their budget closes. (Especially for the central repository; we're desperate!)Added to that, if the governor decides to sign it, there is a bill that will increase the sale tax in Clark County to fund more cops (the amount is in the hundreds) for the various clark county departments.