Monday, June 06, 2005

Welcome Back

Well, not much has gone on since the last time we spoke. Me, I went back to the office and watched as Mr. Rock clean off his desk (mainly by putting more stuff on mine) and Mr. Canada's. Mr. GAD sat behind his desk and pretended to work. :)

The Legislators also didn't do much. They took a 3 hour break where they cacused, did a few money bills and walked the halls for someone to talk to. (you know a legislator is either a freshman or bored when they walk into the lobbyist room.)

Now we're back in the Assembly, (the senate who was supposed to go back in at 6 is still out) watching as they pass the necessary money bills and take their now infamous 1 minute recesses. All kinds of rumors are going around about what time we'll get out of here; some are speculating we'll sine die as early as 10pm, the rest of us know that we'll be here till the bitter end. There are still some very hot topics issues in play so they have to stay at least until after the 11 o'clock news is over. :)

Well...the Assembly just finished, be back when I get over to the Senate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sad. 2 tours of duty with the legislature and you're already a cynic.