Thursday, April 28, 2005

Did You Know?

I was sitting at a table in the cafe the other day and one of the other girls I was sitting with asked a question not really expecting any of us to know the answer. Much to all of our surprise, I knew! It was then that I realized that I know some of the oddest things about the Nevada Legislature, Jeopardy weird. Let's see how you do!

Who is second in the line of succession for the Governor's office? (Name is fine, but title is better)

How does one become the Secretary of the Senate or the Chief Clerk of the Assembly?

What has to happen in order to amend the Nevada Constitution? (There are multiple correct answers!)

What does it mean to place a bill on the Secretary's desk?

How often does the legislature meet (does not include special sessions or interim) and for how long do they meet?

If the President of the Senate and the President Pro Tempore are both absent, who presides over the Senate? (Again, either the name or the title will work.)

Which senate district(s) have multiple Senators?

Who has the majority in the Assembly?

What two sport events are legislative traditions?

Who's portrait overlooks the Assembly and why?

And the bonus...

Where is the legislature located and why?

Some of these are easy, especially if you are a regular reader; others are a bit more difficult! Try your best, it's all for fun! I'll post the answers a week from today.


Anonymous said...

I will answer these questions as soon as get in touch with "Jeeves"

Anonymous said...

I only know a few :-)

1) Lt Governor Lorraine Hunt

2) Practice, practice, practice?

3) If you're the Nevada Supreme Court? nothing. Every one else? Placed on the ballot twice each time receiving a majority vote

4) Asking for a vote on the bill?

5)Every other year for 120 days

6) Jessica?

7) Mine :-) (Joe Heck & Sandra Tiffany)

8) Dems?

9) Softball & ?

10) Lincoln (because we were admitted to the Union despite our lack of population to help him win the electoral votes)

Carson City, Nevada
The state capital and also because it snows there during the session making it a fun place to be for 120 days!

How did I do?

Jessica said...

You have to wait until Thursday to find out, but interesting answers!

Anonymous said...

When do we get the answers?